Frassinelli winery successfully obtained the SQNPI certification (System for National Quality of Integrated Production/ Cultivation) by constantly nurturing the respect for the local environment, and by fostering biodiversity and production sustainability.
This means that all the phases of the vine cultivation and of the vinification process of the grape can be closely traced and monitored.
SQNPI production protocol confirms to be more restrictive compared to national and European norms regulating the use of agrochemicals and fertilisers as well as the use of water in cultivations irrigation systems.
Added value to quality control is also given by the traceability of vineyard practices and of vinification guaranteed by the SIAN ( National System of telematic registration) and by the Inspection and certification body BIOS Srl.
The award of SQNPI certification is the outcome to a longstanding earnest endeavour which favoured environmental protection and the preservation of the authentic characteristics of the terroir.
This also takes into consideraton grapevine pruning, which is carried out in the winter period in order to harmoniously respect the lunar phases. More specifically, grapevines pruned during the waning moon, will respectively be pruned on a waxing moon the following year. This is specifically done to regulate the productive thrust. At this stage, the pruned branches are duly removed from the vineyards to be recycled as bio-mass for the production of electric power.
Once pruning is complete, based on soil analysis, the organic practice of green manure is applied by sowing a mixture of leguminous plants, crucifers and gaminaceae. This will in turn naturally enrich the soil of nutrients while improving its composition and structure. Additionally, regular vine rows weeds control is conducted both manually and mechanically by actively removing the weeds. If needs be, organic fertilisers such as bovine manure from local farms are used in the fertilisation of the vineyards.
Another vital stage in the cultivation of the vine is grapevine spraying with organic fortifiers such as propolis and seaweed extracts, which allows for the reduction in the frequency and number of anti-parasite treatments.
A further 50% reduction in the quantity of the active ingredients and sprinkling water used can be obtained using our innovative equipment for anti-parasite treatments.
To maintain a green approach in the control of vine parassites such as the European grapevine moth ( Lobesia botrana) (Tortricidae of the vine) and the Eupoecilia ambiguella also a moth of the Tortricidae family, we have adopted the practice of creating sexual confusion in insects and parassites.
This technique consists in using biodegradable strings hung to the vine branches which release in the air the female pheromone of the harmful insect. In turn, this will interfer with the male insect finding the female counterpart for reproduction, determing subsidence in the breeding of the harmful pests.
When emergency irrigation is needed during summer droughts, our drip irrigation system is activated, which consequently results in water and energy consumption reduction.
The vineyard practices and activites see their completion with the grape-harvest which is entirely manually done to guarantee the integrity and the ripening of the grapes.
Ultimately, the grape skins and stalks obtained from the pressing of the grapes are dispersed in the vineyards contributing to the organic fertilisation of the soil.